Platypus Coloring Pages feature a collection of images showcasing one of Earth’s most extraordinary animals. The platypus is a unique blend of bird, mammal, and reptile characteristics. It has a bill resembling a duck’s beak, a tail akin to a beaver’s, and webbed feet. Its body is elongated and somewhat squat, with short legs, a round head, and a substantial tail, all covered in dense, soft fur. When walking on land, its side-placed paws cause it to waddle noticeably. However, the platypus is an excellent swimmer and can remain underwater for up to five minutes. Its diet includes insects, mollusks, and small amphibians. For coloring this amusing creature, children will need shades of dark brown and red. This page offers a variety of Platypus coloring pages, available for you to download or print out for free for your kids.
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